All Edworking API queries require a valid Edworking access token.
If you're using the Edworking API for personal use, you can use your personal API token, generated in your Edworking account.
If you're building an app or integration for other people to use, you can use our OAuth flow, which allows Edworking users to authorize specific Workspaces for your app.
You must include the token in the Authorization header of your API requests.
Either way you choose to authenticate, you and your app's users will only have access and permission to the information they can access through Edworking.
Generate Token for Personal User
Any Edworking user can generate a personal token.
Log into Edworking.
- Click on your avatar in the top-right corner and select Preferences.
- Click on the second tab, "Admin"
- Under API Token, click Copy Token.
- You can paste your personal API token wherever you need it!
Generate Token for Building an App
What is GraphQL?
Query Example