mobile app updates march 2023

BY Krystian Álvarez1 years ago2 MINS READ
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Folders system improved

Improved the way how you can upload files or create and delete folders. A bug was fixed and now you don't need to be worried about how your files are connected between tasks and folders.

Same than Edworking platform, you can organize your files and media in folders and subfolders in an easy and intuitive way, filtering files for categories and picking the perfect view for you are now available. Also, all your files associated to an specific task will be linked in a folder for a better organization of your files in the Edworking cloud.

Speed and Performance Improvements

We're continuing working to make Edworking a fastest productivity app.

  • Improved the loading speed of your dashboard and Spaces.
  • Improved the loading speed of the Folders screen.

You will find a more soft and reliable app with improved transitions and animations.

Bugs fixed

We eliminated a number of key bugs in the app. We will share here a quick rundown on some of the top fixes.

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About the Author: Krystian Álvarez LinkedinKrystian Álvarez is a talented content writer for Edworking's blog, fluent in both Italian and Spanish, and consistently producing high-quality articles in both languages on a daily basis. As a Software Engineer, he brings a unique perspective to his writing, providing valuable insights and technical expertise for readers in the education industry. Skilled in task management, Krystian is able to juggle multiple assignments while maintaining deadlines, ensuring that the blog remains a reliable source of information for readers. With a strong background in project management, he adeptly collaborates with the Edworking team to create comprehensive content that tackles complex subjects in a digestible manner. With a passion for sharing knowledge and a dedication to accuracy, Krystian is an essential member of the Edworking team, helping to drive the success of the blog and the company as a whole.
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