Manage your Team Properly

Keep due dates clear and shorten your feedback loop in order to fast-track approvals

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Customize your states for any space

Organize every space in its way. Create, replace, move and remove the states to get the most suitable states for your space. Simplify complex projects by breaking them down into adequate states.



Quick access to Information

Visualize your tasks in multiple views and easily rearrange or edit. Assign tasks to other users, upload and view files, personalize every task with a suitable cover from the Task Management.



Collaborate on anything with your team

Fast-track teamwork with multiple assignees and comment threads for any task. Start being productive from the first moment, intuitive and simple.

Organize your team and your work

Start each day confident that you have a clear plan of action, and that nothing important will get lost in the shuffle.

ArrowChat Integrated

Organize your conversations by tasks.

ArrowCustomized States

Create, move, remove and rename states to your needs.

ArrowQuick Task

Create quickly new tasks.

Project ManagementProject ManagementProject Management
Due Dates

Set a Deadline to your Tasks


Assigne tasks easily from the Task Management

File Attachments

Attached Documents and media to your tasks

Cover Photo

Make your task unique to any eye

Try EdworkingA new way to work from  anywhere, for everyone for Free!
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