how to write effective OKR's in 2024? - best practises & examples

BY Mark Howell1 years ago9 MINS READ
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Have you ever thought about what makes a company great? How do they climb the ladder of success while others are left languishing at the bottom? The answer is simple, but implementation is complex: it's all about setting and achieving objectives. Key to this is understanding and deploying effective Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). And the good news? Everyone can use OKRs, from startups to multinational corporations, from teams to individuals. You could even use them for personal growth!

But how do you make your OKRs effective? Well, in 2023, we've honed and refined the process into an art form. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the intricate world of OKRs, where we'll unlock the secrets to writing and implementing OKRs that really hit the mark. You ready? Let's get started!

Understanding OKRs: Setting the Stage

What are OKRs?

Before we jump into the how-to guide, let's get clear on the what. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a goal-setting framework that helps organizations set challenging, ambitious goals with measurable results. They're like a map guiding you on a cross-country adventure, showing you the route (your objectives) and the landmarks along the way (your key results).

OKRs are not just a simple to-do list. They are dynamic tools that foster alignment, engagement, and transparency within your team or organization. Picture them as a powerful engine driving your company's growth, just like the steam engine transformed the industrial world.

The History and Importance of OKRs

OKRs might seem like a newfangled concept, but in fact, they have roots that trace back to the 1970s. Born in the creative cauldron of Intel, popularized by Google, and used by industry giants like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Spotify, OKRs have stood the test of time and emerged as a pivotal tool in modern management.

But why are they so important, you ask? OKRs not only create a strong alignment between teams but also enhance accountability and foster an achievement-oriented culture. They're the glue that binds your organization's strategy to its execution, or in simpler terms, the bridge that connects your dreams to reality.

However, writing effective OKRs isn't as simple as ABC. It's more akin to a thrilling game of chess, where you need strategy, foresight, and finesse to win. And that's what we're here to help with!

The Art of Crafting OKRs: Best Practices

Crafting OKRs is more than just penning down what you want to achieve. It's a careful process of weaving together your organization's vision, mission, and strategic plan into achievable chunks. Let's uncover the art behind creating these powerful guideposts.

Set Ambitious Yet Achievable Objectives

Your objectives represent your aspirations - the end goals you strive for. They should be bold, inspiring, and compelling enough to motivate your team. But remember, they should also be achievable. Aim for the stars, but ensure your rocket has enough fuel to get there! Think of it this way: your objectives should be the challenging mountains you aspire to climb, not insurmountable cliffs.

Design Measurable Key Results

Key results are the stepping stones that lead to your objectives. They need to be quantifiable, actionable, and lead directly to the objective they're tied to. In short, they should be specific yardsticks that measure your progress towards the objective. Just as a tailor measures twice and cuts once, your key results need precise metrics to ensure you're on the right track.

Align OKRs Across the Organization

One of the most vital aspects of successful OKR implementation is alignment. Your OKRs should align vertically (from top management to individual contributors) and horizontally (across different teams or departments). Think of your organization as a well-tuned orchestra, where every instrument plays a different tune, but together they create a harmonious symphony. That's the power of alignment!

Making OKRs Work for You: Real-Life Examples

Understanding theory is one thing, but seeing it applied in real life is another. Let's walk through a few examples of effective OKRs in action.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

Objective: Enhance customer satisfaction by Q4

Key Results:

  1. Reduce customer complaint rates by 20%
  2. Increase customer retention rate by 10%
  3. Achieve a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of over 85

Boosting Social Media Engagement

Objective: Boost our brand's social media presence by the end of 2023

Key Results:

  1. Increase Instagram followers by 30%
  2. Achieve an average engagement rate of 5% across all social media platforms
  3. Secure 10 influencer collaborations

Powering OKRs with Edworking

With the rise of remote work, tools that facilitate effective task management, communication, and collaboration have become vital. Platforms like Edworking offer an all-in-one solution, enhancing productivity and growth in today's digital landscape. Edworking's task management feature can be particularly helpful in tracking and managing OKRs. With it, you can create and assign tasks linked to your key results, set deadlines, and receive updates from remote teams. In short, Edworking helps breathe life into your OKRs, making them dynamic, actionable, and trackable. It's the ally you need to make your OKRs a resounding success.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Crafting OKRs

Even the best tools and techniques can falter if not wielded wisely. OKRs are no different. Let's look at some common pitfalls and how to sidestep them on your journey to success.

Overcomplicating Your OKRs

While it's essential for your OKRs to be precise and measurable, avoid the trap of overcomplication. Remember, OKRs are meant to provide clear and straightforward goals, not become a convoluted puzzle that confounds your team. Your OKRs should be a compass, not a labyrinth.

Setting Too Many OKRs

Quality trumps quantity when it comes to OKRs. Setting too many objectives and key results might scatter your team's focus and dilute your efforts. Aim for impactful OKRs that align with your strategic plan, not a laundry list of goals.

Neglecting to Review and Update OKRs

OKRs are dynamic tools, not static plaques on the wall. They should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect your organization's evolving goals and strategies. Remember, the path to success isn't a straight line, and your OKRs should be flexible enough to adapt.

Unleashing the Power of OKRs: Embracing Continuous Learning

In the words of the Japanese poet, Matsuo Basho, "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought." As you embark on your OKR journey, remember that it's a continuous learning process. Each cycle of setting, implementing, and reviewing OKRs offers invaluable insights that can refine your future strategy.

Regularly Review and Refine Your OKRs

OKRs aren't a set-and-forget tool. Regular review meetings help assess progress, celebrate achievements, learn from setbacks, and identify areas for improvement. In short, they're your organization's pulse check, ensuring your OKRs are aligned with your ever-evolving objectives.

Foster a Culture of Open Feedback

Open and honest feedback is the lifeblood of successful OKR implementation. It helps pinpoint bottlenecks, celebrate successes, and drive continuous improvement. Creating a safe space for feedback is crucial, fostering a culture of mutual respect and growth.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Remember, the journey to success is rarely a straight line. It's a winding path filled with peaks and valleys. Don't fear setbacks or failures. Instead, see them as valuable learning opportunities to refine your future OKRs. Remember, every stumble is a step forward on the path to success!


OKRs are a powerful tool in your organization's arsenal, helping convert strategic visions into measurable outcomes. They're the compass guiding you towards your organizational North Star. Crafting effective OKRs requires strategic thinking, continuous refinement, and a learning mindset.

Whether you're a project manager working on a challenging task, a small business aiming for growth, or a remote worker juggling multiple projects, the art of writing and implementing effective OKRs can help you achieve your goals and drive growth.

So why wait? Embrace the power of OKRs and let your journey to success begin. Remember, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. And OKRs? They're the perfect tool to help you realize those dreams!

Here's to your success in 2023 and beyond!


What are OKRs?

Objective and Key Results (OKRs) is a goal-setting framework that helps organizations set ambitious goals with measurable results. OKRs consist of an Objective, which defines a goal to be achieved, and up to five Key Results, which measure the achievement of the Objective. The OKR framework promotes alignment, focus, and engagement within the organization.

Why are OKRs important?

OKRs are crucial as they help organizations translate their visions into measurable goals, driving alignment and engagement across all levels. They provide a clear path for what the organization wants to achieve and how to measure success. OKRs also help foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and collaboration.

What is the difference between OKRs and KPIs?

While both OKRs and KPIs are performance measurement tools, they serve different purposes. KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are metrics that measure the ongoing performance or success of a particular function or process. On the other hand, OKRs are time-bound goals that the organization aims to achieve, typically set on a quarterly basis.

How often should OKRs be reviewed?

Most organizations review OKRs quarterly, although this can vary depending on the organization's needs. Regular reviews ensure alignment, track progress towards the OKRs, and allow for necessary adjustments or changes to the OKRs based on the organization's changing needs or market dynamics.

Can OKRs change during a quarter?

While it's important to maintain focus and consistency, OKRs are not set in stone. If significant changes occur within the organization or the market, it's necessary to review and adjust the OKRs accordingly. However, frequent changes can disrupt focus and alignment, so they should be made sparingly and only when necessary.

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About the Author: Mark Howell LinkedinMark Howell is a talented content writer for Edworking's blog, consistently producing high-quality articles on a daily basis. As a Sales Representative, he brings a unique perspective to his writing, providing valuable insights and actionable advice for readers in the education industry. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for sharing knowledge, Mark is an indispensable member of the Edworking team. His expertise in task management ensures that he is always on top of his assignments and meets strict deadlines. Furthermore, Mark's skills in project management enable him to collaborate effectively with colleagues, contributing to the team's overall success and growth. As a reliable and diligent professional, Mark Howell continues to elevate Edworking's blog and brand with his well-researched and engaging content.

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