bridging the gap: cryptocurrency, nfts, and blockchain




Let'S do this. As soon as you do this. Hello, everybody can't hear me? Okay, here we go. Crypto. Crazy people. My expecting that. Ryan Love. Nice hair, by the way. Very nice to see you. What a very warm good evening. Good to see you all. Welcome to London. Welcome to the Black Swan Studios here in good old fashioned London for a fantastic night. And you're about to cheer now as I welcome you officially.


Look at this.


To number five. Sponsor the force beautifully and thank you for the blockchain hangout. It's great to see you. We're going to have fun. We got some fantastic speakers. We got an Americans. Nice and loud. We've also got a much more fun questions and answers.


Food and drink.


This is a community bike. Nice berry. This is a community bike. So it's nice to see you chatting, getting to know each other, having some fun. Are you going to have some fun with me tonight? Yeah. I am so relieved. Can I be honest? I did a gig two and a half weeks ago just in the corner for Nightmare. Oh, Nightmare. Love Nightmare. It was actually and officially the biggest speed dating night in London. Anyone been speed dating before? It was a nightmare. Nightmare. 69 women turned up and two men, and the two men went on together. So we're going to have some wonderful fun tonight. Some information along the way. Of course we are. By the way, Black Swan Studios. Do you anyone know where that name comes from? Do you know where that comes from? Anyone know?




Well, many, many years ago, many years ago, lots of swans used to paddle up from the River Thames 200 years ago and literally parked their bums in this yard and be covered in soot and sand and tar from all the factories, hence the name Black Swan. Was that interesting? No, it wasn't. Elia. Absolutely not. Yeah, I walked across Tara Bridge. Welcome to London. Tara Bridge.


I'm coming to you.


Tara bridge.


Was John Barry, isn't it? Very interesting. And John Barry was a son of. He was called Charles Barrett. Absolutely nominated. Now, Charles Barry, very interesting, was the man that won the competition to design the Houses of Power, everybody. And then what? He designed it in a style called Gothic style. And that Gothic started around in 1104 hundred years later, 400 years later, Gothic, the Revival Gothic. So he thought, his son decided, let's make Tara fridge in Gothic style as a revival. So he made it. And of course, they thought, Hang on a minute. How are we going to get people from one side of the bridge to the other side of the bridge? Because it was very, very busy back then. The thing went up an awful lot and of course why did it go up an awful lot, sir? Ask me. Great question, sir. Great question. I was going to stop you. You got me going. It opened up a lot because London was a port, it was a proper port and we used to import an awful lot of stuff. What was our biggest import in London? Someone tell me. Charlie. No.




It was tea. It was tea. We love a cup of tea here in England. So they built this thing, then they thought, let's build a big walkway on top of Tara Bridge, like making notes. And they did that to people because people were impatient, much like you are listening to this story, and they built a walkway to walk over the top. But it was a disaster. Sir. Madam. It was a disaster because people didn't use it for walking across. People used it as a red light district. It was one of London's first seedy. Yeah, you love red light district if you were going up there. So I'm not saying you would go up there if you did go up there, so you were going up there for seedy reasons. Very seedy reasons. Now, you know, I'm probably coming up with some kind of segue to what we're doing tonight. Don't you ask me what the point of that story was. Absolutely nothing. I thought I'd just come up with a random story to get your attention. Did it work? Yeah, but there is a bit of a point. It's a nice cheesy segue. I love a segue.


Here we go. The reason that wonderful bridge was really built was in the 18 hundreds. This is serious. There was massive growth. Growth in industry and growth in people. More than a million people extra lived in and around the City of London, going east through the 18 hundreds. So they needed a bridge to go from the city to the East End of London to give everyone access because of growth. Here comes the big cheesy segue. Are you ready? This night is all about growth. This community has grown a lot in the last four hangouts.


Bless you.


In the last four hangouts along the way. And it really is growing, not just here but around the world. And you are very much part of that growth. And we are building bridges with hangouts. And look hack. Smart. Look at this wonderful stuff here, the hackathons. And, of course, get togethers and conferences. These are all bridges to bring together a wonderful community. So you should be proud of being here. It's great to see all kind of walks of life in here tonight. Are you excited to be part of the crypto world? It's not boring like my wife thought it was. It really isn't. And in this room tonight, by the way, this is not an exclusive club, this is an inclusive club. So you may be someone that knows all about everything. You may be someone somewhere in the middle, invested a little bit, bits and pieces. Or you may be someone that maybe never invested, but you want to be educated first and make a sensible investment, everyone, or you might be my dad. I said to my dad, dad, what's cryptocurrency? He said, Is that the money that Superman uses? That's what it's multimany.


That's what he said. But my dad will be welcome here as well. It doesn't matter which walk of life you're from, it doesn't matter if you're a top investor. Be here for the first time. I'll be not yet invested. Now, put your hands up if you've ever invested in something in life before that you've lost money on, be honest. Give me an in casino. Who said marriage? Not marriage is marriage. Absolutely. Of course. We all have. And the point of tonight is you have fun. Are you with me? That's the wonderful speakers I'm about to bring. Our first one on the mic fails. It's not a problem, he's from America. Along the way, of course, there will be question and answer sessions. Porter's asking to mention this for you. There's no such thing as a stupid question. That's not true, though, is it? That's not true. That's not true, is it? It's not true, is it? I mean, it's a very dangerous thing to say. Has anyone been cruising before? Let me rephrase that. Put your hand up for the wrong thing. Anyone been on the cruise ship before? Yeah. Where have you been, sir?


Mediterranean. Caribbean? Anyone else been on the cruise ship before? Where have you been, sir? Singapore. Fancy. Very nice cruise. I used to work in the cruise industry many, many years ago, and when I first started out, on the first night, I remember being a cruise director, I stood on a stage, mainly in American audience, I stood on a stage and I said, have a great time on this vacation, sir. Have a great time on this vacation. I said, and if there's anything bothering you said, no, stupid question. It turns out there is many, many, many stupid questions. And I used to have a top ten of the most stupid questions. People used to say to me, as a cruise director on the cruise ship, I'm going to give you my top three of all time, Adam. My top three of all time. It is genuinely unbelievable. And to be fair, when we go on vacation, we do leave our brains in reception, don't we? Do we? Do indeed. I do understand. Here is my top three. I'm going to go for this, for top three. I reckon I got asked this at least five times a week.


I used to stand in front of what they call the atrium, which is a big you remember those cruises? A big flight stairs up the middle of the ship. And I'd stand there all suited and booted, and at least five times a week, someone would come up to me and say the following, excuse me, these stairs, do they go up or down? Stupid question number three. Stupid question number two is probably the most asked question of all time. Anywhere on a cruise ship, 50 times a week, it is generally unbelievable. Excuse me, what time is the midnight buffet? And in at number one, the most common stupid question we got asked, it is unbelievable. Every week, every cruise director all over the world got asked this. Now, as if you know, many talented people work on a cruise ship, sir, and some of them have extra talent. One of the talents some of them have is they have the ability to ice sculpture. A massive great big block of ice comes out onto the top deck of the ship and they start tipping away, tipping away, tipping away. And they create something unbelievable. Unbelievable. Maybe a dolphin, maybe a parrot, maybe a snake, maybe whatever a bear.


It is quite simply unbelievable. You would not believe how many times I got asked the following question. Here we go. Hey, excuse me, excuse me. What happens to the ice sculpture once it's mounted? That was the number one stupid question on any cruise ship in the world. But tonight there's no stupid questions. Anything you want to ask for any of our guest speakers is absolutely fine. Anything you want to do, anything you're not sure about. And you are amongst friends here, everyone's part of this crypto family. You sat there for someone more experienced and you ask their help. Buy them a drink afterwards. You're welcome. Everybody cool? Everybody cool. Too much lockdown. Yes, you can join in. We're not that middle class. Okay, so I put my glasses on, I can see, but I want to look more intelligent. I'm going to now introduce our first guest speaker called he is American, actually, he was a filmmaker first, still is very well known one. He's been spending lots of time over in Bali. Now, the message really is NFT with a cause, which is why it's so well known. Odd one out left and the humanians, please discussing Real world change welcome the amazing Josh Patel.


How's everybody doing? That good.


So I really think web three crypto is all about network connections. Who you meet, who you know. So before I get started, everybody look to your left, look to your right, in front of you, behind you. Shake your hand, introduce yourself and say hello. Got 30 seconds.


So let's keep it after the early time. Thank you, everybody. All right. Okay, so today we got your attention real quick, everyone. So today I want to talk about.


Is real world change through NFP. So the first thing I want to ask is probably one of the most health questions. Who here has invested in crypto? All right, so most people have, some people haven't. They'll think about it. All right, now show advance who has owned or own an NFC. Okay, cool. So, yes, we're going to discuss today is how NFPs are changing the crypto industry, what it will mean to blockchain technology and how we can use them for real world change in the Web two space to bridge that gap between what Web three is and what web two is. So let's start with what is an NFC? Raise your hand to know what an NFC is. Okay, so I'm going to tell for the various people that don't understand. So NFP is a non flexible focus for those of you involved in crypto. I'd like to think about it, I like to explain for people who purchase crypto and who know what NFP is, I like to think of it as it's a currency where we look at the total supply, and every single coin in that total supply has a unique number.


And that unique number is tied to image, to a utility, to an asset, depending on the project, depending on the collection. Some of them are used for multiple different things, but NFPs are a way to achieve access to what that project is about, whether it be specifically for art, or if they're building something in the Metaverse, or if they're a health group that's providing knowledge or education, or for access or to indirect. That is what is NFP all right, let's go over the current NFC market. So right now, for those of you who do own NFD, guess you could say the last month has been a pretty challenging time for the NFC market. Yes. Raise your hand if you've had some trouble in the last month in the market. All right, so we've seen crashes in a lot of areas, but as crypto, collectors, NFC collectors, we keep our heads high because why? Because we know the long term what we're doing, where weapter is going, how widely it will be adapted into society, and into what we are doing. So the current situation of the NFC market, in my mind, I think there's a lot of oversaturation.


So we look at the NFC collection as a whole. I think as of last month open sea, there was about one to 1.5 million registered wallets. So people that are buying, if we look at that global population, we're a very small percent. And I like to think we're incredibly early in the space. I will often compare it to being in the Internet before Google was created. So I think in that condition and where we are at right now, I like to think of every collector. Whether you're a collector, you're a buyer, you're a community member of a project, or you're a founder of a project, that you are in the position to be a pioneer in your industry and in the position to decide where the market goes, how it is perceived by the web industry and the people outside of web three and where exactly we make MSC. So, yes, preferred NFC markets, how it's.


Worked in the past.


Let's look at some of the OG projects, crypto, box 2017 board games, and something between their doodles and pool guests. So a lot of these projects all have their own utility. They have something like crypto bucks, which is most art. We have board games for success that came from doing in real life events. And first project that puts Web Two and Web Three together to make these incredible events, you have access to by holding in the past and in the current market, a lot of times these projects, what determines their success type, what determines height? A lot of Gently kids online, they're telling us what school and what is trending, because that's what's trending on icy schools and what's in between. So in the current market, I really feel like we're in a situation where right now we're at the very, very early beginning and it is a lot of Djen activity. It is a lot of people that are looking strictly for financial investments, looking to spend money, which is completely fine. Yes. Is this better?




Okay. Thank you for coming. No problem. I'm like pretty much kissing the microphone.


So it's probably better development.


Is this better?




All right. So currently in the market, high determined success. There's things that are stranded since we do in the market, these collections are popping up. There's a project come on a couple of days ago called Goblin Town, came up, cruise in the market from three minutes to 2.5 ethereum in one day, two days. So what's happening in the current market is a lot of Djen players. So projects that don't have a roadmap, they don't have a utility, they're focusing just on hype. They can be great for flippers and investors short term, but what do they provide long term? What is the value? When I think about NFC projects, and the ones that in my mind are successful and everyone mentions success, are the ones that are run like a business for crypto coins, for bitcoin, for ethereum, the structures that are there in place, what attracts a lot of investors. So as Web Two more people from Webster are being onboarded to the Web Three space, what is attractive about NFT projects? Docs teams, people that are okay to say who they are, where their office is, what they're doing, invite anyone to come see them, explain what they're doing.


They have a clear roadmap business plan, they present to investors and what they want to do. Yes. So currently what the market has is I think that it really degresses innovation because there's so many people that get turned off by the quick flips. And if people are looking to get into the market, they're interested in NFC, but they haven't purchased their first project yet, or they don't know what to get into. These kind of things are really big red flags that are hard. So as an industry in Web Three NfCs, how do we progress? What is the next step? How do we so what's next for NFPs? I like to think of a few things on here. So I'll say for real life use cases, let's think about how we can use NFPs in the real world. So, some things I've noticed lately is NFPs for event tickets, concert tickets, festival tickets, also charity usage. If you want to donate your crypto portfolio to a charity, you want to use the tax write off, you want to use it to do some good in the world, to affect change. Also for how do we bring in the web two presence to web three?


The people that have always heard about crypto from the press, they've heard about NFPs, but they've never purchased one before. Why? Because they're scared and they don't know what projects to be involved in, what point to buy. How do we help collaborate with web two brands to onboard new brands like Adidas is in the NFC space now, nike has on artifacts, pepsi has launched their own NFC project. So how do we collaborate with them? How do we bring people in through education? What is education in the NFC industry? Explaining to people in web two, how you get involved with NFC, how you find a good project, what teams you're looking for, what roadmap you're looking for and what are they doing that is different than every other project out there? Okay, so I came up with this concept a few months ago when I started a company, which I'll start out later about changing the concept of NFPs from a wealth flex to a social flex. So when NFPs first started this idea with celebrities, athletes with influencers and investors, that using this NFP as a PFP, as your profile picture was a way to say, hey guys, I made a good investment decision.


Look at me, I'm rich now, I'm wealthy, and I know everybody here who's in the crypto. It's okay to be wealthy, it's okay to make money from your investment. And that is super cool. I'm very happy for everyone that does that. There's nothing wrong with it. However, as an industry that wants to progress, how do we progress past the hey, I'm wearing a sticker that basically says I made a good decision and you should look at me because now I'm rich. Because I bought a picture of a cartoon they called liner. So the concept became let's progress NFT market, let's progress wealthy and let's change the idea of wealth class into social funds. So this concept takes me, I grew up in America, a lot of American policy and I'm sure, but when I was growing up on election day, a lot of people weren't sacred and said, I voted today. Right? And the idea, the concept behind it would be that even if your vote is one small vote of however many people that are voting for election, at the end of the day, it's not going to swing the results. It's something that we care about as humans to say like, this is my views.


I don't need to tell you my opinion, but this is something I care about and I want to let everybody know that I voted today and my opinion matters and I want to make a difference. How can we use NFPs to make the same traction and to start movements? So this is the idea of social flex. What social flex is, is an NFC. There are some projects that are starting to move on movements, on social causes, on having nonprofit sectors, on having social impact farms. And the concept is to change your Pfp from a collection or art that you like based on their utility or what they're doing to be back in the real world, to use it as this is a cause that I care about. Not that I care about cars and h because now I'm a millionaire. But I care about this collection because they are cleaning plastic from the ocean. I care about this collection because they are helping charities and nonprofits in the real world. I care about this collection for, et cetera, et cetera, whatever. You are passionate about finding an NFP project, whether it's something that's already created or something that you want to create to bring real world change to the powers of NFPs.


This is a completely new industry that is so unexplored, there's so much room for movement and education. So how do we do that? By social platform. All right, I'm going to get into Amarillo. So this is a company that started about six months ago. Amarallab is an NFP collective that creates collections based on all of them having a social impact Arm. So the idea is that every collection we make, they will have art side, they will have a utility side, they will have an investment side, but they will also have a very clear social impact. So each collection that we come out with will have one environmental or mental health or medical cause that we're trying to raise awareness for, raise money for, and what we can use that for to make a difference in the real world. Yes, that's on. So our collection we watched, we missed it on maybe the worst day history, may 5, just a few weeks ago, which is the beginning of the crash. And we had a reveal, which is the worst part of the crash. So what we do with the human is a 5800 piece NFC collection that will social effect Arm for our charity partners.


So I'm here in London now, actually living in Bali, Indonesia, where our whole company, our two charity partners will be emailed through. This project is Wealth Collective and the body just worked with Disorder Foundation went down. They're both in market. So after we meet it, we raised about $150,000 just for our charity partners. So I came here to deliver the funds to them, basically to transfer to them in person and go over their charity roadmap of what they're going to be delivering to the community that bought these Nfts to help people in the real world and also help the community as well. So with the humans, we have quite a few. We have the artist, which is done by artist Disney. She's a world enough artist that's super good at her style. Our cause is about body dysmorphia Body Dysmorphia is very common and a lot of people have it. I'm sure a lot of you have it as well. You don't acknowledge it, which is basically human, that finds something in their appearance in their body that they obsess over when they look in the mirror. They have a problem with their nose, they have a problem with their body, and they think that they can't be normal, they can't be accepted.


Why? Because through bullying when we were kids, or through entertainment and media today, that teaches you in all these photoshop bodies that you see on billboards and ads and everything else is normal. And that's what it means to be beautiful. And it's not true. So we have teamed up with our charity partners to bring awareness to Body Dysmorphia and also provide mental health utilities to our community as well as anybody else that uses the project and wants to get involved. So we have metaverse development. We're doing building a social safe space for the NFC World and we have our purpose based art. So our art by Busy was basically created to show the human body in an abstract form, that it doesn't matter where you're from, what you look like, what your skin color is, everybody is welcome. We should celebrate diversity and inclusivity as humans because that is our job as humans to make this place a better place when we leave than when we came. And that is what committees are doing as a project. I also have our mental health nurse who is on our team. She's accessible to all of our community members and everybody who's interested in our project.


So she's doing something a little bit about what we're doing.


Thank you so much for having us.


Here to talk about what we do.


So, as Josh introduced me, my name is Uma. I am a registered mental health nurse by background. I was born in London, I grew up in London. I'm a Londoner. What I've been doing is odd one out loud. I've joined on Odd One Outlaws as their in house mental health nurse is, of course, very different to the in real life nursing that I've been doing throughout the pandemic. It's been a very different way of working, but it's been so, so rewarding. I'm sure everyone here in London will know in order to gain access to a professional like me and Ms. Hoffman, the thresholds of illness are so, so high and we know those thresholds are even higher now. So what's been beautiful when I joined Odd One Out Loud is anyone who joins our discord, you just have to join our discord. You can ping me, you can ask me for support, you can ask me to talk about a topic that you want to talk about. You can ask me anything. And the feedback that I've gotten from the community has just been amazing. They've been so grateful to have access to me, to talk I do mental health seminars.


We've talked about so many things. We've talked about things that are really specific, actually, to the energy space. I've been going over to sleep ID so much and managing that fear of missing out. So the feedback has just been that they've really appreciated having access to me. I really enjoy doing the work that I can do with osmond out loud. And I think if there's founders out there, I know there's so many founders out there, are future founders out there, communities who are really passionate about promoting people's health and well being. What I would really like to say to them is that it's nice to consult with a professional who's had years of clinical practice, who is in the field. I think we're all really well meaning, but we know that with mental health or health and well being, it's complex. There's a lot of misconceptions out there. There's a lot of half truth. There's a lot of things that you need kind of a professional to unpick in a bit of a higher level than, say, a general person who really well meaning and really wants to promote health and just to take that kind of really showing that you care about the community and taking it to another level.


We've done a lot recently with the ups and downs of crashes and I know that the community really appreciates me and I know I'm doing what I'm really passionate about. So, yeah, just thank you, Josh.


Yes, well, actually, first of all, we hear proposed a wonderful speaker. John.


We can do it after.


Can you say smooth?


Yeah, you can say smooth. I just want to really quickly get off.


I just want to say if anybody's.


Interested on the training, we have a community meet up on Saturday at the Qantas gallery. I don't know where the location, but definitely come up live.


One more time this week. Thank you very much. Did you find that useful? Did you find that helpful? Wonderful. It's nice to have something a little bit different when we do these presentations and I said it would be wonderful tonight. It's going to continue. Now, our next guest, I have to say, has been extremely busy, especially in the last year or so. It has been kind of headline news, especially when we discuss the ultimate meme token. But they're more than a meme token. XR doze have made the headline. We are delighted to welcome artist stage, the CEO, Victoria Palo. Whoa.


Team. To be able to do without a mic. But I don't know if my voice is loud. Enough. I've been a teacher for 17 years ago. I'm used to talking to about 500 children in a hall much bigger than this. So as long as nobody swears at me or throws a chair at me, this will be a better experience. That's fine. I just put that mind out. So XR Doe. I'm here with my co CEO, Alex. We actually only took on leadership of the project seven weeks ago. I'll talk a little bit more about that at the end, but I'm here to talk about upgrading education through the blockchain. So my journey from the classroom to crypto, so I said I've been a teacher for 17 years. I turned down the opportunity to be a head teacher, to be the head of XR DOJ, very similar dealing with children in the playground, dealing with people on Twitter. So it's the same transferable skills, where I have to look at plans strategically, where I have to organize and communicate to a team, but where I actually get to spend money in the right way to benefit the people I'm meant to benefit.


So my inspiration was I had to stop working for the government because I don't like them. And I wanted to be able to step away from that and be able to make my own decisions and have my own views and also positively impact on children. So my focus, the education system is out of date. We've been saying it for too long. When I was employed, it was in my contract. I was not allowed to say that publicly, which is why I've had to break out of contract to be able to say that to today. It's not preparing our children for the future, it is not enabling them to be educated and it's not enabling them to access what they should be able to access. Cryptocurrency provides a diverse range of ways to inspire the next generation of innovators. It's diverse, it's inclusive, and it should be in our school. There's also the opportunity to onboard the Unbanked, and I think that's really, really vital. I'll talk a little bit more, actually, I won't give that slide, but those are my three focuses. We need to upgrade education. We need to ensure that cryptocurrency is accessing everyone who it has.


Most people working in the crypto space are self educated, which is fine, which is great. Problem is, self education in the crypto world can be very expensive, even more expensive than it used to Greek university. But there we go. It is potentially easier for 19 year olds who live and breathe it to be able to get into the crypto world and someone who's more stuck in their ways. But I don't want that for the next generation. I want them to be educated so that they don't have to make expensive mistakes. Great to make mistakes and learn from them, but there are certain mistakes they don't have to make. So my question is, do schools and colleges have a responsibility to teach children about the blockchain? I think they do. I spent 17 years with children who are born who do not fit into the mainstream education system. What do we do? We either expel them, we either give them prescription drugs and label them with things like ADHD, or we just enable them to detach from school and go down a different path. Not acceptable. People who I meet in education, in cryptocurrency, their brains are busy, they're quick pace, they don't fit in with the classroom setting and it's not okay for us just to ignore that and to carry on.


So there's a brilliant study that was done. It's a little out of date now and I know there's brilliant studies that can prove anything, but I like this study. So it was done originally for NASA. 16,000 children at the age of five were cases were tested. 98% of them came at creative geniuses at 1600 children. So they repeated a similar test. It to the age at the age of 1030 percent of children came out as creative geniuses. Okay, so they repeated it five years later at the age of 16, 12% created geniuses adults 2%. I'm guessing there's a high percent in the room because you're all into crypto and we still call it early, but 2%. And why does that drop from 98% to 2%? Because of the education system. So where we actually think we're teaching children, we are not. I have three children, 15. Well, about 215 13 and two and a half. Two and a half year old was a bit surprised, but she treats me, she teaches me a lot and she actually stops me going to the pub too much. So she does actually save me money in some way.


My two and a half year old is fascinating, the questions just how everything is amazing in the world and then suddenly you get your 15 year old. I know it's hormones and I know mums are embarrassing and all that, doctor, but it's also she's just bored. She's an artist, she's a musician. She wants to do digital art. What's she doing in her art lessons? Drawing bowls of fruit? It's so frustrating that she has to come home and teach herself digital art. It's not acceptable. It's not okay. I know it doesn't happen in all schools. I know I'm generalizing, but in my 17 years of experience, I haven't seen enough change. Now what can we learn? That's what I was saying. Schools use goes down the convergence thinking they want answers. And it's not teachers fault the majority of the time because the focus from the government is about, we need you to have children at this level, this extent. You need to cover these objectives. And this many times you're going to have 35 children in a room. The room is not going to be big enough. We're not going to give you money for pencils so therefore you have to kind of make do.


But there is still things that you can do. We need to allow children to retain their creativity, and that is one of the passions of XR Dome. We may be a mean coin. We may have had an interesting kind of surge from beginning to end of where we're at now with a focus on exr DOJ, educating young people. How are we going to do that? We're going to do it through workshops. We're going to educate the educators and we're going to show accessibility and understanding that's our three aims through XR Doe, they are big aims, doesn't matter. Alex and I are very passionate about this. We work quickly with term workshops. So we've got a pilot event happening from where I'm from. I come from a little island called Jersey. Zero capital gains tax if anybody wants to go buy a house there. So Leah has its advantages. A beautiful little island in between England and France. I can see France in my bedroom, but I can't speak French. Odd education system. Anyway, so we want to do some workshops. We're going to do some pilot workshops where we are going to have speakers, we're going to have activities.


We want to focus on NFDR. We want to focus on coding, marketing, managing teams across the world through computers, all those things that children do not get access to. Okay, so that we're privacy in Jersey, and then our aim is to take that into the UK and beyond. Educate the educators. Yesterday I ran a day training for the leaders of the future for teachers who want to go into headshots. And one of them came up to me and said, oh yeah, even assembly on Nft the other day. Okay, what did you talk about? Well, I wasn't quite sure, so I found something in the newspaper and I kind of talked about that. Well, I don't read newspapers because I'm but if it's anything that's probably in a newspaper, again, we kind of miss information going to children. So we need to educate the educators. That's our next step. We're in talks with different partnerships, potential partnerships. We want to be able to get to teachers. Teachers are busy. Being a teacher is extremely difficult. Anyone here makes a joke about school holidays and I will floor you because working in a classroom is stressful. And again, that's down to government.


But anyway, that's a different speech. So teachers are busy, so we can't expect them to be experts in everything. Experts in mental health, experts in crypto, experts in behavior management experts. And at my school, we even have to brush the children's teeth twice a day. So we need to make sure it's accessible. And that's something Alex and I are passionate about. Putting together videos, putting together looking gamification, working with other people, about creating information, training so that it's not about teachers teaching blockchain, it's not about teachers teaching how to mint nft. It's just ensuring teachers are spreading this information and they are not dampening children's aspirations for any of this world. And the Unbanked giving back control. There's approximately 1 billion people who do not have access to banks yet. They have a little mobile phone. They have a mobile phone in their pocket. Cryptocurrency is perfect with it. On Monday I spoke at the Fintech World Forum. So that was weird there's. HSBC I always get the letters wrong, so I hope I get them in the right way. IBM there's someone from the House of Lords, and then there's me saying, we need to use cryptocurrency to get to the Unbanked.


And they're like, looking at me going, oh, no, we will get to them. I'm like, well, when are you going to get to them? What's your plan? Cryptocurrency is perfect for that. And it was really great to be able to talk to someone like the Fintech Wealth Forum and have people come and say, actually, that makes sense. Actually this should be happening. And it's not just giving people access to finances, it's what this can offer. When Coinbase suddenly says, in the US you can give 1020 percent interest, the US government went mad because their banks can't do that. But that's not fair. Cryptocurrency for me is about being inclusive and it's time that the shift of wealth change. And it isn't just those people who went to the right school, whose parents did the right thing, who got the right degree, that continued to make the money. Cryptocurrency can free us of that. That's why we need to teach it in school, that's why we need to encourage young people, and that's why we need to give services to groups of people such as the Unbanked. So that is our mission. At XR Doe, we are looking to take on a media company.


It's an online magazine. We are looking for investment in that. So if anyone thinks I'm investable, they'd come and see me. I have some business cards, which is really weird because when you're in education, having a business card people would be like, what are you doing? So we're looking to take on the media and online magazine. It's dormant at the moment, but it has previously was the biggest in its space, has a good following, has previous subscribers. Because we want the magazine to be used to educate. We want to use it as a platform for young people so they can submit articles, artwork, they can get involved and they can see utility through the blockchain. Yes, there's the opportunity to create a great image and sell it and make money brilliant. But there should also be the opportunity to forge a career through the blockchain, something that's sustainable. So that's something that we are really interested in. Anna XR DOJ are focused. Yes, we're a meme. Coin there's nothing wrong with that. Too much seriousness in the world. I'm proud that XR DOJ is a meme coin. And I think it gives it a great friendly face.


You can see on my necklace, I do have an XR DOJ frock, but.


I didn't know if that was too much.


So I might wear that next time. I can never remember his guy, the guy from the ethereum guy wears the pajamas on stage. But I nearly did the pajamas. I did a dress. So that's our mission, basically. Let's disrupt the education system. Let's make children know what cryptocurrency and blockchain is about and let's ensure that we can communicate that in a way without misinformation that is accessible to everybody.


Thank you very much indeed, Victoria. I have did that speak to anybody? I have to say that spoke to me. I've got three children. I've got a 13 year old girl. That's how I feel too. I've got a 13 year old girl and identical twin boys that are twelve ADHD different things. And they actually get in trouble at school sometimes for doing some of the things that we should be educating them on to find fascinating. So thank you once more. One more time. Please show your video. Sharon now it's time for our grand finale, so to speak. No, it's not. You can find relax in case you get sick.


Of course.


We're going to discuss now something a little bit different. It's been very educational. Tonight we're going to discuss creating space for world changing conversation. And to bring that space, it is our CEO, our lightning bearer, our arkhayla. It's time to go to church. It's Mr. Paul church.


Excellent. So here's amazing to see so many people here today. It's apparently a bear market. Does not look that way. So this is really what it's about. It's about bringing people together and making connections. That's what money is all about. Money is actually a social network. People don't think about it that way, but it is people interacting, trading. So what I want to talk about today is kind of why this exists, why we've made it for that. I've been involved in bitcoin since 2011, and I've worked in the industry for five years now. I've said a lot of crazy things, for sure. Probably one of the weirdest industries in the whole world, I imagine. Previously, I built a network of 100 meters around the world. So that was actually focused on one specific cryptocurrency. And I actually found a coin right. To do something a bit different. I actually just filled all of cryptocurrency up instead of focusing on one. So crypto's up some progress. So talking about weird things that happen in the space, it is totally unpredictable. What is going to happen in the future of cryptocurrency when back in 2011, 2012, no one thought that it was going to be ford apes or cryptokitties or even like stable coins.


Really. No one actually thought that that would be an effect that would happen. Everyone thought bitcoin would be the same initially and then maybe ethereal programmable money. But yeah, none of these things are really predictable and I think that's important to recognize that. Where are we going? The answer is we don't know. Honestly, we actually don't know what crypto is going to be in five years time, ten years time, 100 years time. I can say for sure. Maybe for sure is that it won't look like, it looks like it'll be very different every single year. Crypto is like a totally new industry. There's a new thing becomes huge and then maybe it kind of sticks around or dies. But the key thing is we don't know where we are. That's probably my main lesson over the last eleven years. Crypto is that it's very strange.




There is one thing we can do. Humans have an amazing talent which other animals don't, and that is that we can communicate with each other in enormous detail. I don't know if any of you know the YouTube channel. First of all, it's amazing if you don't go on YouTube, have a look. Incredibly interesting topic. One of the things they talk about in their videos is how human trade over the years is what spread ideas around the world. Like it's people who are going from village to village or even town to town having interesting conversations with new people that actually spread the best ideas around the world. New conversations spread great ideas and the best ideas tend to propagate fastest, further survive the longest. So this is what Point writes about really, is that we're trying to create a space where people can come together, all different levels of knowledge, backgrounds and just have good conversations. Like obviously we've had speakers, they're really interesting and they brought interesting topics to the table. But in a minute what we're going to have is just a ton of conversations. You're going to learn a lot from different people that have new insights and I think that is really where crypto is going to be taken for is by bringing people together, having interesting conversations because we don't know what's going to happen.


That's honestly what this is all about. So there's a few other things we do. We also host other events like Hack Smart.


That's what that poster there is about.


It's a hackathon happening next month. So if you are a developer or actually designer, project manager, anyone with a valuable skill set that can bring something to a team then come along, sign up. It's technically not free, but in person it's £20. We have to put a price on there just to make sure people actually turn up. But you can join online as well if you want to. So yeah, this is what we're all about. We're an events company, we do event marketing on the side. It's more about bringing people together, having interesting conversations, building new cool toys for people.




And that's it. I don't want to keep it too long because I want to make sure you will get the chance to have these conversations and yeah, thank you for being there. And actually sad, someone says, I want to get a photo of this. Yeah. So this is a stout to see this many people turn up. Like, we haven't done any marketing in London for this. We've literally split up, a meet up and full house.


Can we do a couple of questions? Yeah, if you want.




What I think is about people are growing and everything you said, I think it's wonderful. I've learned a lot. I am not someone a few years ago you would think would get involved in cryptocurrency. I thought it's basically people that are very professional of your life, but improving. Now, if this is a culture, therefore, I dare say you want more and more people to join in in ten years time. How big will this event be on a Thursday night? You've got no idea. It could be huge, couldn't it?


Well, so it's doubled every single event. This is our fifth event this year. Each time it's doubled in size. Last week, last month we had 100 people, this month we've got 200. Next month, we're going to aim for 400. Yes. Growing all the time. We've worked hard to make this happen, but I think it's more the industry, like more and more people getting involved every single day. It's amazing to see and to be.


Clear, so you guys do services for other people to facilitate help them facilitate their own conference and stuff. And, of course, another line like tonight. You are right, this is your service.


To the community, which is going to.


Be awesome if you do festivals one day and all these wonderful dreams going to be awesome. There's two sides of the business, is that correct?


Yeah, that's correct. We will take time to organize amazing events for any company that wants to work with us, but we also want to just bring the community together. London should be the number one place in the world for cryptocurrency. There is so many people here involved, but it's just not quite connected enough, in my opinion. So I think if we can work together, like I said, have great conversations with each other, we can actually make London like the number one place.




Conversation. If you like to do Q and A. Yeah. Yeah. Questions? Yeah.


Sharing this.


We can project, we can shift up a few. Right. I'm kind of interested to know where you think, like, where you're going to be going, where you see crypto. What's the next big thing? Like two years?


So I think the big buzzer is meant to be. I think we're further away from that than potentially people like to suggest, because we need to do it properly, it needs to have purpose, my focus for energy. So I've actually got a second project, which I'm launching in a couple of weeks for the music industry. And a year ago no one was talking about really energies in the music industry. So that's kind of become a bit more of a buzz. And I think there's two purposes. You've got the likes of Snoop Dogg, great, got loads of money, give some more money, brilliant, whatever. But our focus again, exiled, we're looking at education and our new project musician, we're looking at what about those people who are mid to low level musicians, photographers? I don't mean that in skill, I mean that means revenue. What can crypto and blockchain and entities do to empower them? And I see crypto being used in a way that actually empowers more people. The last couple of years been tough on musicians, unable to talk that revenue has been taken away from them. So they need to look at potentially other options.


And Nft, I don't just mean let's just Nft everything that has ever done. I mean Nft utility, buy an Nft, access to a gig, meet and greet, exclusive, wearables, whatever it is. But it's a way to again, empower people who keep getting pushed down by the big guy and also give families an opportunity to get close to their musicians to build parts of something. So I hope to see this space creating more diversity amongst who can get involved, but also more important.


Yeah, I think personally that the crypto and NFC space has been quite exclusive for the last few years. Not because everybody can't get in, just because maybe not everybody has had the education or the knowledge to be able to get better. So I definitely agree that where this space is going is how the idea of this centralized organization, decentralized finance, how can this be used to give power back to people? So as you're talking about musicians is a really good point to make. So we think of companies like Spotify. Most of us have Spotify at home, right? So when we look at if I was a part of the musician five years ago, what I was making in record sales, right? Maybe I didn't have the best deal record labels, but depending on it, I was making sales for people buying albums, people downloading on it. What has shifted from they pay you like one penny for every 1000 streams. So this power has been taken so much from creators and given to corporations and this decentralized idea is the time to give back. So we've seen now artists in the last year that have released an album that says, okay, there's 1000 copies, I forget to release an album.


And he did three different levels. So it had like a bronze, silver and gold level in each of the ownership. And if you purchase NFC, the bronze was $50, silver was 500, gold $3,000. It gave you a percentage of the revenue that that album would make for its lifetime that would be given into the wallet per month, whoever owns. So yes, I also think that as we move forward gets taken away from the corporations back to the creators regardless of the border corporation more powers. But also when we're looking at metaverse development right now, there's a very small amount of people who are actually using the metaverse energy or while a lot of projects are building here, the reality is that very few members are actually using it. So as we develop right now, it's quite early but I think it's really important to plan how we use it for meetups, for concerts, for events and it's just that dabbled right now but it will expand like crazy. So owning land versus building on these major projects.


Yeah, one thing I find really fascinating about Nft, let's say, is one of the things that's going to build up cryptocurrency, which I think is underappreciated because.


A lot of people think some Nft.


Let'S say the market, why would you pay that much for.




Builds communities like you said. And communities in general are like sticky as a network fascinated by network theory and yeah, anything that keeps people interacting through bear markets is something that is going to make crypto grow over time because a lot of the time before the bear market happens, everyone's assets were like massively collapsed in value. A lot of people go away and then with Nft, people stay around, they care that they don't care so much about the value they collectively. So if there's a strong community with.


A lot of them and I really don't think that everybody talks about being a bear market. Yes, I guess it is. Maybe NFC World. I don't think it's a bear market, I think it's a Djen market because we see these free big projects going down and they create thousands of ethereum volume blowing my mind. And then we have the projects that have real use cases that are being left behind. So at the end of the day, this bubble is going to burst at some point for crypto coins for NFD. So who will stay around at the end? The ones that follow the promises that deliver their own up are actually building something useful and it's the same way that we adapt to it. What would I look at? What are they doing next order? What are the prices? What are their reports? So this is how we should look at projects for cryptocurrencies and for NFP projects? Who is the team? What are they building? How are they going to get there? And what is their communities and their followers?


Yeah, I agree with that.


So I want to ask you a.


Question about education now. Yeah, I agree with every single thing. It's the main thing I think is going to change the world. Yeah. So talking to new people about prisoners, do you see things changing? Do you see like the people seem to be more aware of it more educated now.


Absolutely. I have actually only been the CEO of Exr Doe for seven weeks and I've only ever been involved in a project since October, and I've only been in prison for a year, so I'm still fairly new, but I think that's good. And I'm not techy. I only had got a smartphone in January, so literally got a smartphone in January where my brother's like, you got to get a smartphone. So fine. I then have to go on these big social media because they're not very sociable, so I'm not sure where the name comes from, but anyway but I think that's good because I'm coming at it not from a techie point of view. There was nothing worse when you've been taught by a math professor who just didn't understand why you didn't understand. So I think it's helpful, but I've had to learn really quickly and therefore I still don't understand. And I think that's fairly useful. But I still talk to people and they go to things, but you can't actually use that money. Like, you can't convert, you can't do anything with it monopoly money. So I think the misinformation is interesting, irritating, but I absolutely get it.


And I think the main people to blame is if you look at the mainstream media and you look at people as a big horse who wants to push it down because they want to have.


Again. Right. I think people get desperate for drinks now.


Thanks very much.


You do, like, really fancy, but yeah, right.




So if anyone wants a free drink.


You can get one.


All you got to do is take a photo of the event wherever you like. Tag us on social media. Like, post a photo on social media, tag us in it and then speak to Amy or Samuel or Mariana, like anyone with the coin price, you go on and they'll give you focus. And you can get free drink as.




For all three of these speakers and people.


Ready if you can always.


Just put your hands in the air.


Ready, everyone?


Give you some massive wave crypto. Lovely. Thank you, Paul. Thank you very much indeed. Folks, don't forget, I love the word free drink. It's a wonderful word. And this tag us, tag us, tag us, tag us the bar. Say, look what I've done, and you get a free drink. Also, one more thing. There is discount. You go to the bar, there's discount coupons there. You will get a discount for the most fun, brilliant weekend in June to go and check that out as well. Also, pop on our website and double check the register. Days and years, I'm going that, go and have some fun. Thank you very much. Go and smooth.

This podcast discusses the potential of cryptocurrency, NFTs, and blockchain to empower individuals and transform industries. It highlights the growing popularity of crypto events, the importance of education, and the role of NFTs in building strong communities. The speakers also touch upon the future of the crypto industry and the potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize various sectors.
article cover
About the Organizer: David Cagigas David Cagigas, the visionary founder and current CTO of Edworking, is a skilled content writer who shares his expertise and passion for educational innovation through engaging, informative articles. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for simplifying complex topics, David consistently delivers high-quality content in English, captivating readers and fostering meaningful conversations within the Edworking community. Adept at task management, David ensures timely production of well-researched content, while his proficiency in project management helps him lead teams and oversee the development of various educational projects. His holistic approach to writing and management has made him an invaluable asset to the Edworking team, driving the company's success.
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