the ultimate guide to choosing the right remote working platform

BY Mark Howell1 years ago6 MINS READ
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Are you navigating the vast ocean of remote working platforms, overwhelmed by the myriad options at your disposal? Fear not, you're not alone. With so many choices, how can you be sure you've found the perfect fit for your team? Worry no more! This ultimate guide will help you emerge from the depths with a crystal-clear understanding of how to select the ideal remote working platform for your unique needs.

Assess Your Team's Needs

Before you dive headfirst into the deep end, let's pause for a moment to contemplate your team's true needs. The ideal remote working platform should be tailored to your specific requirements, enabling seamless collaboration and communication.

Communication Tools

Do your team members require constant connection, or do they prefer occasional check-ins? Assess your communication needs and prioritize platforms that provide the necessary tools, such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and email integration. This article offers an overview of various communication tools that cater to diverse team dynamics.

Collaboration Features

Consider the types of projects your team tackles. Do they necessitate real-time collaboration or asynchronous contributions? Ensure the remote working platform you select boasts robust collaboration features like document sharing, version tracking, and commenting capabilities. Explore this list of collaboration tools to help you determine the most suitable options for your team.

Integration Possibilities

What about your team's existing tools and software? It's vital to find a platform that seamlessly integrates with these resources, preventing any potential hiccups. Consult this resource to learn about various integration possibilities and how to make the most of your team's current toolkit.

Security and Compliance

In our increasingly connected world, data breaches and cyberattacks pose significant threats. Thus, when selecting a remote working platform, you must take security and compliance matters seriously.

Data Encryption

Does the platform provide end-to-end encryption for all data, both in transit and at rest? Robust encryption ensures your team's sensitive information remains secure, granting you peace of mind. To learn more about data encryption and its importance in remote working platforms, read this in-depth article.

Compliance Standards

If your organization is subject to specific regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), verify that the platform adheres to these standards. Familiarize yourself with this guide for a better understanding of compliance requirements and how to ensure your remote working platform meets them.

Scalability and Customization

Your team will undoubtedly grow and evolve over time. Consequently, your remote working platform must adapt accordingly, supporting your organization as it flourishes.


Can the platform handle your team's growth without compromising performance? It's essential to choose a solution that can scale with your organization, accommodating an increasing number of users and projects. This article delves into the importance of scalability in remote working platforms and how to evaluate a platform's potential to grow with your team.


How flexible is the platform in terms of customization? Can you modify it to suit your team's unique workflows and preferences? A platform with extensive customization options will ensure a smoother transition and heightened user satisfaction. Read more about the value of customization in remote working platforms here.

User Experience and Support

An intuitive user experience and dependable support system can substantially impact your team's productivity and morale.

Intuitive Interface

Is the platform user-friendly and easy to navigate? Your team members should be able to quickly learn and adapt to the new system, minimizing disruptions in their workflow. Check out this resource on evaluating the user experience of remote working platforms to ensure your team will feel comfortable and empowered using the platform.

Customer Support

What kind of support does the platform provide? Is there a responsive and knowledgeable customer service team available to assist you? Access to timely and effective support can help prevent potential roadblocks and keep your team operating efficiently. Learn more about the importance of customer support and what to look for in a remote working platform here.

Pricing and Budget Considerations

Budget is often a key factor in the decision-making process. Let's examine some pricing-related aspects you should consider to ensure you're getting the most value for your investment.

Subscription Models

What type of subscription model does the platform use? Pay-per-user, flat-rate, or tiered pricing? Understand the costs associated with each model and determine which one aligns best with your organization's budget. Here's a comprehensive guide to comparing pricing models for remote working platforms, helping you find the best fit for your financial constraints.

Additional Costs

Are there any hidden fees or additional costs, such as setup fees or charges for premium features? Make sure to factor these expenses into your decision-making process to avoid unpleasant surprises down the line. Read this article to learn about potential hidden costs in remote working platforms and how to account for them in your budget.

Reviews and Testimonials

Lastly, it's crucial to gauge the experiences of others who have used the remote working platforms you're considering. Their insights can help you make a more informed decision.

Third-Party Reviews

What do reputable review sites and publications say about the platforms on your shortlist? These unbiased opinions can provide valuable insights into the platform's strengths and weaknesses, helping you weigh your options. Check out this list of top remote working platform reviews to gather a variety of perspectives.

Customer Testimonials

Are there any testimonials or case studies from companies similar to yours? Hearing from others in your industry or with comparable team structures can provide you with additional context and confidence in your choice. Visit this page for a collection of remote working platform testimonials from various industries and team sizes.

Edworking is your solution

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Picture this: you're a small business owner seeking growth and innovation in a fast-paced, post-pandemic world. Edworking offers you:

  • Seamless task management that streamlines your team's workflow
  • Effortless file sharing to keep everyone in sync
  • A dynamic workspace for real-time collaboration
  • Integrated communication tools that make meetings a breeze
  • Transparent story-sharing to keep everyone in the loop

But wait, there's more! Edworking offers a free demo and affordable pricing plans to fit any budget. So, why not take the plunge and transform your remote work experience? Your team, and your bottom line, will thank you.


Selecting the right remote working platform is a monumental task, but armed with this ultimate guide, you're well-equipped to make an informed decision. By considering your team's needs, security, scalability, user experience, pricing, and reviews, you'll be able to find the perfect platform to enhance your team's productivity and satisfaction. So go ahead, plunge into the world of remote working platforms, and watch your team soar to new heights!

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About the Author: Mark Howell LinkedinMark Howell is a talented content writer for Edworking's blog, consistently producing high-quality articles on a daily basis. As a Sales Representative, he brings a unique perspective to his writing, providing valuable insights and actionable advice for readers in the education industry. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for sharing knowledge, Mark is an indispensable member of the Edworking team. His expertise in task management ensures that he is always on top of his assignments and meets strict deadlines. Furthermore, Mark's skills in project management enable him to collaborate effectively with colleagues, contributing to the team's overall success and growth. As a reliable and diligent professional, Mark Howell continues to elevate Edworking's blog and brand with his well-researched and engaging content.
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